October 23, 2018

Northern Brewer's White House Homebrew Recipe Kits

Homebrewing has reached the White House! For the first time ever, homebrewing is happening on a regular basis at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. A few days ago (and after much popular demand), the White House released two of its recipes to the public - a Honey Ale and Honey Porter. Now you can brew these White House Ales in your own home using recipe kits exclusively from Northern Brewer. We at Northern Brewer are excited to see homebrewing in the national spotlight. This act inspired us to create the Northern Brewer's White House Recipe Kits so that every American can try their hand at crafting the same recipes. 



White House Honey Porter is not only roasty, but it also builds consensus with generous applications of sweet caramel and toasty Munich malts, while moderate bitterness and a pound of honey lets us all find common ground.


In a year of divisive politics, we think it’s especially important to remember what we have in common: homebrewing! Political leanings aside, we hope you'll raise a glass to the community that is homebrewing. We have come a long way in the three decades since homebrewing was made legal in this country. We hope more people will want to get into this amazing hobby.