Brewing Sugar & Fruit for Beer, Mead, and Wine
Northern Brewer offers an extensive selection of fruit, spices, and seasonings for adding carbonation, strength, color, and flavor to your beer. For assistance with brewing sugars, please use our Priming Sugar Calculator to determine the correct measurement of corn sugar, honey or Belgian candi sugars to use in your brew. Here is a great article from Beer & Brewing Magazine about brewing sugars.
Priming Sugar | Belgian Candi Sugar | Honey | All Other Sugar | Fruit Purees, Bases & Extracts

Priming Sugar - 5 oz.
Corn sugar (dextrose) is for priming bottle-conditioned beer or boosting gravity; use 5 oz. per 5 gallons. Need a larger amount? Click here for 1 l...
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Corn Sugar - Dextrose (Priming Sugar)
Corn sugar (dextrose) for priming bottle-conditioned beer or boosting gravity. From 1 lb bags to 4 lb bags to 50 lb sacks of corn sugar, choose the...
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Northern Brewer Fizz Drops
Putting some fizz into your homebrew has never been easier! Northern Brewer Fizz Drops are designed to take the place of making a priming solution...
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Corn Syrup
Golden Barrel Corn Syrup Corn syrup is basically the liquid malt extract version of corn. Like malt extract, corn syrup is produced by converting c...
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Agave Syrup
Premium Blue Agave Syrup Agave is the primary ingredient in tequila, and pulque, and is also featured in our Mexican Agave Lager. Agave syrup (some...
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Lactose 1 lb.
A milk-based sugar that is not fully fermentable by beer yeast. Adds body and sweetness to sweet stouts. Add to boil.

Rice Syrup Solids 1 lb
Adds gravity without impacting color or flavor. Lightens body and dries the finish. Use up to 15% for American or Japanese-style light lagers.

Brewer’s Crystals - 1 lb.
Brewers Crystals are a mixture of corn syrup and glucose solids that mimic barley malt extract in fermentation profile. Can be used to boost alcoho...
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Simplicity Candi Syrup - 1 lb.
A premium clear Belgian candi syrup made from beet sugar. Provides clean honey-like flavor to light Belgian Ales. Great for Tripels, Golden Strong ...
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D-45 Candi Syrup - 1 lb.
This premium amber Belgian candi syrup is perfect for amber and brown Belgian ales. The syrup has flavors of toffee, vanilla, and toasted bread. 45...
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D-90 Candi Syrup - 1 lb.
This premium dark candi syrup creates subtle chocolate, toffee, and toasted bread flavors in dark Belgian ales.D-90 is a versatile dark candi syrup...
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D-180 Candi Syrup - 1 lb.
D-180 is a premium extra dark Belgian candi syrup is perfect for use in dark Belgian ales.This premium extra dark Belgian candi syrup has deep flav...
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Clear Belgian Candi Sugar 1 lb.
Imported from Belgium, this sugar is refined from sugar beets, and is 100% fermentable. 0°L.

Brun Fonce Soft Candi Sugar - 1 lb.
Brun Fonce is a highly flavorful Dark Soft Belgian Candi Sugar. It contributes notable dark fruit and subtle caramel flavors. SRM 36, PPG 1.042

Brun Leger Soft Candi Sugar - 1 lb.
Brun Leger is a Belgian Soft Sugar used to contribute distinguishable toasted toffee and caramel flavors. It is light brown and has a rich flavor. ...
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Dark Belgian Candi Sugar 1 lb.
Imported from Belgium, this sugar is refined from sugar beets, and is 100% fermentable. Rated at 275°L; actual color contribution is lower.

Ames Farm Artisanal Minnesota Honey
A Northern Brewer exclusive! Ames Farm of Watertown, MN produces nationally-recognized artisanal honey with old-world apiary techniques. Ames Farm ...
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Clover Honey
Clover honey is light in color with a floral flavor and a pleasant mild taste. This honey is unpasteurized, heated to less than 132° F, and straine...
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Wildflower Honey
Light amber in color and is very sweet and robust. This wildflower is produced by placing hives in prairies and grasslands where bees have access ...
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Orange Blossom Honey
This aromatic honey makes a fantastic mead! Our current batch of orange blossom honey is mild, with citrus-orange notes. This honey is unpasteurize...
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Light-Amber Honey Blend
Excellent value, light-amber color, neutral flavor make this a good base for sweet, fruit, and spiced meads. We offer this honey for its excellent...
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Sweet Orange Peel - 1 oz.
Preferred by some to the bitter version, Sweet Orange Peel is the ideal addition to your Belgian strong ales and special holiday brews. Think Grand...
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Grapefruit Peel 2 oz.
Grapefruit peel is a great way to add a refreshing and slightly tart citrus tang to your favorite fermented creation. Add it to the end of the boil...
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Bitter Orange Peel 1 oz.
Dried bitter orange peel gives a citrusy, herbal aroma commonly used in Belgian Witbier, Grand Crus and other light-colored styles. Use a larger am...
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