Wine Yeast Nutrient & Additives
With these additives you will have everything you will need to properly treat your wine throughout the various stages of fermentation. Adjust your acid levels prior to fermentation, add a dash of nutrient and sanitize your must before pitching yeast. After fermentation is complete, use some sulfites and potassium sorbate to stabilize the wine prior to adding oak. If your wine needs a bit more backbone and balance you can use some tannins to round it out. Find it all here!

Yeast Nutrient
Yeast Nutrient is a mixture of diammonium phosphate and food-grade urea that nourishes yeast, ensuring that it remains healthy throughout fermentat...
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Wyeast Vintner Choice Nutrient Blend 1.5 oz
A nutrient blend from Wyeast, designed especially for use with wine yeast.

Acid Blend
This is a mix of citric, malic, and tartaric acid. One teaspoon per gallon increases acidity by 0.1%

Bentonite - Clay-Based Clarifier - 1 lb.
Bentonite is a clay-based clarifier that absorbs colloidal substances. Usually added prior to fermentation, sometimes during secondary to wine.

Calcium Carbonate
Calcium Carbonate (precipitated chalk) increases pH; 1 gram per gallon adds 106 ppm calcium, 158 ppm carbonate.

Citric Acid
Citric Acid can be used in sanitizing solutions to lower the pH, which will make the SO2 level more effective. It is also used to increase acidity ...
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Glycerin - Finishing Formula
Glycerin can also be known by winemakers as finishing formula. It sweetens, adds body, smooths and mellows wine and liqueurs. For wine, add 1 - 2 o...
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Liquid Pectic Enzyme
Pectic enzyme breaks down the pectins in fruit, which makes the crushing or pressing more efficient. It also reduces pectins hazing effect in wine,...
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Chitosan (1 Liter)
Use Chitosan in conjunction with Kieselsol to help clarify your wine or beer. Add to secondary for best results. General use: Add Kieselsol first a...
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Kieselsol (32 oz.)
Use Kieselsol in conjunction with Chitosan to help clarify your wine or beer. Add to secondary for best results. General use: Add Kieselsol first a...
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Pectic Enzyme
Add to must to break down pulp and aid in the extraction of tannin. Can also abate pectin haze in wines and cider. Pectic Enzyme physically destroy...
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Potassium Bicarbonate - Wine Acidity Reducer - 1 lb.
Reduces acidity in wine; use 3.8 grams/gallon to reduce acidity by 0.1%.

Potassium Metabisulfite
Potassium metabisulfite is one of the most important winemaking compounds. It is an antioxidant and bactericide that releases sulfur dioxide into w...
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Sodium Metabisulfite
Essentially the same salt with the same applications as potassium metabisulfite, but contains the sodium ion instead of potassium. Some winemakers ...
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Sparkolloid 1 lb.
Sparkolloid is perhaps the most effective wine clarifier we have ever used. Forms very compact sediment without stripping color or flavor. Excellen...
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Tartaric Acid for Wine - 1 lb.
The most desirable and stable of the wine acids. One teaspoon per gallon will increase acidity by 0.1%.

Wine Conditioner 500 ml
Wine Conditioner is a sweetener and stabilizer all in one. Made from liquid invert sugar and potassium sorbate (prevents renewed fermentation). Thi...
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Wine Tannin
Wine Tannin will improve the flavor of a dull wine. Tannin can be used with white wines that have not been exposed to oak to add astringency. Wine ...
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Fermaid O Yeast Nutrient
Fermaid O is an Organic version of Fermaid K. It is an autolyzed yeast nutrient with a high content of organic nitrogen (amino acids). It is formu...
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Fermaid K Yeast Nutrient
Fermaid K is a blended complex yeast nutrient that supplies ammonia salts (DAP), free amino acids (organic nitrogen derived from inactivated yeast)...
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Potassium Sorbate
Potassium sorbate, aka "stabilizer," prevents renewed fermentation in wine that is to be bottled and/or sweetened. Use 1/2 teaspoon per gallon. Whe...
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Go-Ferm Rehydration Nutrient 10 grams
Go-Ferm is certified organic by OMRI. It is a natural yeast rehydration nutrient containing a balance of micronutrients. Suspend Go-Ferm in the reh...
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Campden Tablets (sodium metabisulfite)
Campden Tablets: Sodium Metabisulfite (SMS) prevents wild yeast, bacteria growth, and oxidation in your wine. Sodium Metabisulfite also works well ...
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Propper Seltzer™ Yeast Nutrient - Gluten Free
One dose of Omega Yeast's specially formulated gluten-free Propper Seltzer™ nutrient powers your favorite beer yeast through a healthy sugar-based ...
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