Wyeast Laboratories Liquid Yeast
Northern Brewer is proud to offer the expansive Wyeast Liquid Yeast lineup.
For over 30 years, from their home in Hood River, Oregon, Wyeast Laboratories has been shaping the character and flavors of the American craft brewing revolution. That’s why we’re proud to offer our homebrewers, winemakers, mead & cider crafters such an extensive lineup of fresh, premium Wyeast liquid yeast strains and beer nutrient blends. From the signature Wyeast 1056 American Ale yeast (AKA the legendary “chico” ale yeast), to unique, limited releases from Wyeast Labs’ Private Collection, you can’t go wrong with Wyeast.
Not only is each liquid beer yeast pack teeming with 100 billion thriving yeast cells, Wyeast’s exclusive “Smack Pack” activators deliver even greater, guaranteed viability. Simply smack the yeast pouch to pop the sterile Wyeast Activator nutrient pack inside. That “jump starts” the yeast, which reduces lag time after inoculation, and causes the pouch to swell, proving the viability and vitality of the cells. A revolutionary solution from a legendary industry leader, delivering peace-of-mind and fret-free fermentations for all.
A single pack will ferment a 5-gallon batch of homebrew with up to 1.065 original gravity. Want to see some smack action first-hand? We have a short informational video about the Wyeast Activator Pack if you have a minute!
Check out our Video Course - Ingredient Series: Yeast for in-depth info on Yeast.
Dry Beer Yeast | Fermentis Dry Yeast | Imperial Liquid Yeast | Omega Yeast Liquid Yeast | White Labs Liquid Yeast | Wyeast Laboratories Liquid Yeast

Wyeast 1056 American Ale Yeast
AKA Chico Ale yeast, 1056 American Ale is yeast starter is used commercially for several classic American ales and homebrew recipes. This wyeast nu...
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Wyeast 3068 Weihenstephan Wheat Yeast
Wyeast 3068 Weihenstephan Wheat yeast strain produces the unique and spicy weizen character, rich with clove, vanilla and banana. Best results are ...
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Wyeast 1272 American Ale II Yeast
Wyeast 1272 American Ale II is fruitier and more flocculant than Wyeast 1056, slightly nutty, soft, clean, slightly tart finish. This yeast strain ...
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Wyeast 1332 Northwest Ale Yeast
Wyeast 1332 Northwest Ale is one of the classic ale strains from the Northwest U.S. Breweries. Produces a malty and mildly fruity ale with good dep...
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Wyeast 1318 London Ale III Yeast
Great malt and hop profile. True top cropping strain, fruity, very light, soft balanced palate, finishes slightly sweet. From traditional London br...
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Wyeast 2565 Kolsch Yeast
A hybrid of ale and lager characteristics. This strain develops excellent maltiness with subdued fruitiness, and a crisp finish. Ferments well at m...
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Wyeast 1084 Irish Ale Yeast
Slight residual diacetyl and fruitiness; great for stouts. Clean, smooth, soft and full-bodied. Apparent attenuation: 71-75%. Flocculation: medium...
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Wyeast 1098 British Ale Yeast
From Whitbread. Ferments dry and crisp, slightly tart, fruity and well-balanced. Ferments well down to 65° F. Apparent attenuation: 68-72%. Floccu...
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Wyeast 1968 London ESB Yeast
Wyeast 1968 London ESB is a highly flocculant top-fermenting strain with rich, malty character and balanced fruitiness. An excellent strain for cas...
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Wyeast 1010 American Wheat Yeast
A dry fermenting, true top cropping yeast which produces a dry, slightly tart, crisp beer, in American hefeweizen style. Apparent attenuation: 74-7...
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Wyeast 3944 Belgian Wit Yeast
Wyeast 3944 Belgian Wit strain is a tart, slightly phenolic yeast capable of producing distinctive witbiers and grand cru-style ales alike. Alcohol...
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Wyeast 3711 French Saison Yeast
Produces Saison or farmhouse-style beers that are highly aromatic with clean citrus esters. Expect peppery and spicy notes with no earthiness and l...
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Wyeast 1728 Scottish Ale Yeast
Ideally suited for Scottish-style ales, and high gravity ales of all types. Apparent attenuation: 69-73%. Flocculation: high. Optimum temp: 55°-70...
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Wyeast 2278 Czech Pils Yeast
Wyeast 2278 Czech Pils is a classic pilsner strain, From the home of pilsners, brew with this strain for a dry, but malty finish. The perfect choic...
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Wyeast 1214 Belgian Abbey Yeast
Wyeast 1214 is a Belgian Abbey-style top-fermenting yeast, suitable for high-gravity beers. Estery. Apparent attenuation: 72-76%. Flocculation: med...
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Wyeast 1007 German Ale Yeast
Wyeast 1007 German Ale Yeast ferments dry and crisp, leaving a complex but mild flavor. Produces an extremely rocky head and ferments well down to ...
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Wyeast 2633 Oktoberfest Blend Yeast
A blend of lager strains designed to produce a rich, malty, complex and full bodied Oktoberfest style beer. Attenuates well while still leaving ple...
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Wyeast 3787 Trappist High Gravity Yeast
Wyeast 3787 Trappist High Gravity strain is a robust top cropping beer yeast with phenolic character. Wyeast 3787 Trappist High Gravity beer yeast ...
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Wyeast 1028 London Ale Yeast
Rich with a dry finish, minerally profile, bold and crisp, with some fruitiness. Apparent attenuation: 73-77%. Flocculation: medium. Optimum temp: ...
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Wyeast 1469 West Yorkshire Ale Yeast
Moderate nutty and stone-fruit esters. Bright beers easily achieved within days without filtration. For production of cask-conditioned bitters, ESB...
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Wyeast 1762 Belgian Abbey II Yeast
High gravity yeast with distinct warming character from ethanol production. Slightly fruity with dry finish. Apparent attenuation: 73-77%. Floccul...
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Wyeast 2124 Bohemian Lager Yeast
Wyeast 2124 Bohemian Lager yeast strain ferments clean and malty, with rich residual maltiness in full gravity lagers. A versatile yeast from the W...
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Wyeast 2112 California Lager Yeast
Wyeast 2112 California Lager is particularly suited for producing 19th century-style West Coast beers. Retains lager characteristics at temperatu...
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Wyeast 3522 Belgian Ardennes Yeast
One of many great beer yeasts to produce classic Belgian ales. Phenolics develop with increased fermentation temperatures, mild fuitiness and compl...
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