May 16, 2019
Jamie Penick - #BrewingWithDad
Jamie Penick, Production Lead
Years at Northern Brewer: 3.5
Years of Homebrewing: 4

Jamie is already invested in raising the next generation of homebrewers.
“My five year old likes to help add hops on brew day while pretending to make her own with beach pails on the side. My nine year old tells me I make the garage stinky. They also provide an extra pair of hands on bottling day!”
What’s your philosophy on beer?
"I've done a lot of Frankensteining on recipes using whatever ingredients are available. The fun part of brewing is experimentation. You try to figure out how different elements fit together, and whether or not certain things combine well. Fusing different hops, grains, and yeasts to produce unique flavor profiles can be really enjoyable (when it works out). But, you never know until you try!"
What’s the most humbling lesson you’ve learned brewing beer?
"I had an awful diacetyl issue with my second batch. The realization that maybe it was because I’d done a poor job of ensuring all my equipment had been thoroughly sanitized really drove home how easily beer can get contaminated. It’s unbelievably important to work with fully cleaned and sanitized supplies."
Favorite Cheers:
“Here's to a long life and a happy one. A quick death and an easy one. A good woman and an honest one. A cold pint and another one.”
What’s an essential piece of equipment you won’t brew without?
"The simplicity of the All-Grain Cooler System can’t be beat. Build a quick support structure for the coolers and BOOM you’re cracking a beer in front of a fully functional 3-tier homebrew machine."
Shop All-Grain Cooler System >
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